Use "servomechanism|servomechanisms" in a sentence

1. Copying lathes are made for plane, contour, three-dimensional, and combined profiling with a mechanical, hydraulic, electric, or photoelectric servomechanism or without a servomechanism

2. Many autofocus cameras also use a servomechanism to accurately move the lens.

3. Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop, follow up, servomechanism, analogue, transducer, null, damping, feedback, deadband;

4. (b) Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop, follow up, servomechanism, analogue, transducer, null, damping, feedback, deadband;

5. The windmill fantail is an earlier example of automatic control, but since it does not have an amplifier or gain, it is not usually considered a servomechanism.

6. As coined by the U.S. mathematician Norbert Weiner in the 1940s (see Weiner, 1949), and stimulated by the advent of modern computing, the term was intended to draw attention to common processes at work in systems of all types, whether these be mechanical servomechanisms (e.g. a thermostatically controlled central-heating system), biological organisms, or social systems.